Storm is named after the white-haired Superheroine and queen in the Marvel Universe who can control the weather and manipulate the atmosphere as well as fly as fast as the wind. Storm certainly thinks she can fly, and she has had an amazing ability since a young puppy to create whatever atmosphere she desired - usually a party. Storm loves everyone and enjoys being the life of the party and the center of attention. She hasn't yet figured out how to keep the rain out of her own eyes, as you can see in the photo above.
Storm does live up to her name on the racing field, where she has exceeded any of our hopes and placed #1 straight racing female in the country for four years in a row and in the top five Silkens for three years in a row. She also recently earned the honor of being the only female to ever earn a Straight Racing Champion Excellent II (SRCXII) title. This year she continued her stellar racing performances, becoming the first female and the second Silken Windhound to earn the prestigious Supreme Gazehound Racing Championship title, requiring 30 points earned since we became a LGRA recognized breed.
Storm - stretching her legs at Silkenfest 2011
Storm - racing at Silkenfest 2009
Storm is a very happy, joyful girl and expresses her love of life anywhere and anytime. Like her mother, Storm can manage to giggle and wag her tail so hard that her entire body is involved. She is also a sweet, affectionate snuggly girl, great with everyone from children to small animals including our cat. She is a joy to live with and we feel very blessed.
Storm did very well in the shows even as a baby, winning Best Puppy in Breed and Reserve Winners Bitch multiple times and Best Puppy in Show at the Western Regional Specialty in 2008. Her biggest challenge in the show ring is her exuberant joie de vivre, sometimes focusing more on throwing a party in the ring than on getting the job done. With her beautiful genetic muscling, enthusiasm for everything including the show ring, effortless movement and lovely structure, we aren't surprised she is having a wonderful show career. Handled by our friend Karen Fink at "Silkenfest", the Silken Windhound Nationals, Storm won Winners Bitch and completed her ISWS conformation and dual championships shortly after her second birthday.
New ISWS Champion and Nationals Winners Bitch - 2010
Storm started her UKC show career at the end of 2011 and quickly rose in the national rankings to #6 nationwide. In 3 months she earned her UKC Championship, a couple of Reserve BIS and 3 Best Champion awards.
UKC Reserve Best in Show- 2011
At 15 months, Storm won Best Opposite Sex Puppy in Sweepstakes at the ISWS Specialty in Seattle. That same weekend, she won Winners Bitch and her first four NCA points. The next month, she won her first five point major by winning Winners Bitch at a Rarities show in Livermore, CA.
Storm is quite the easy-going, fun-loving party girl, and she loves to play with people, dogs, and anyone else she can find. She likes toys, and none better than a lure. The light went on for Storm the moment she first saw the lure. During her first practice, she focused immediately on the lure, tore down the track, picked up the lure and gleefully trotted back to the start with the lure in her mouth. She was ready to go again and sure didn't want to wait for anyone else to set up the lure again.
Storm started her straight racing career at 12 months old, and she loves racing as much as we hoped she would. Competing against a star studded field of straight racing champions, Storm won her first four points her first day out. She started oval racing the next day and started earning points on the oval track too. We look forward to lots more fun racing, and so does Storm. Storm earned her straight racing championship at only 13 months old, by winning Highest Scoring Opposite Sex in race meet at the Silken Windhound Nationals (Silkenfest), becoming the youngest ever Silken Windhound to earn an SRC.
Storm also encountered her first Agility tunnel recently and loved it! She ran through it wagging her tail and then wanted to figure out how to put it back together again after it was dismantled and put away. So, it looks like she has some agility fun in her future. Who could say no to such a silly, happy girl?
C'mon Daddy, Let's Play
Storm stats:
22 1/2"
CEA Clear
MDR1 Clear
CERF Normal
OFA Thyroid Normal
Heart Normal
BAER Hearing Normal
Second Silken Windhound, First female to earn LGRA Supreme Gazehound Racing Championship (SGRC) - 4 years
First female to ever earn Straight Racing Champion Excellent 2 (SRCX II) - 3 years
Second Silken, First female (tied) to earn LGRA Gazehound Racing Championship (GRC) - 3 years
National (Silkenfest) Best in Specialty Show - 2017
#1 ISWS Straight Racing Female - 2009, 2010 and 2011
#4 ISWS Straight Racing Silken Windhound - 2011
Straight Racing Champion Excellent (SRCX) - 2 years
#6 UKC Silken Windhound (Conformation) - 2011
UKC Multi Reserve Best in Show - 2011
#5 ISWS Straight Racing Silken Windhound - 2010
Winners Bitch at Nationals "Silkenfest" 2010 - 2 years
ISWS Conformation and Dual Championships - 2 years
Youngest Silken Windhound Straight Racing Champion (SRC) - 13 months
#8 ISWS Straight Racing Silken Windhound - 2009 (racing 9 months)
Highest Scoring Opposite Sex in National Race Meet - 2009
AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) - 2009
Best Opposite Sex Puppy in Sweepstakes - 2009
IABCA Int'l Champion, Multiple Best Puppy in Group, BOB - 2009
Best Puppy in Specialty Show - 7 months
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